Source code for zounds.soundfile.ogg_vorbis

from featureflow import IdentityEncoder, Node, Decoder, Feature
from .audiostream import MemoryBuffer
from zounds.timeseries import audio_sample_rate, TimeSlice, AudioSamples
from soundfile import *
from .byte_depth import chunk_size_samples
from zounds.timeseries import Picoseconds, Seconds

class OggVorbisWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, flo):
        self._flo = flo
        self._sf = SoundFile(self._flo)
        self._freq = Picoseconds(int(1e12)) / self._sf.samplerate

    def samplerate(self):
        return self._sf.samplerate

    def channels(self):
        return self._sf.channels

    def duration_seconds(self):
        return len(self._sf) / self.samplerate

    def _n_samples(self, duration):
        if duration is None:
            return -1
        return int(duration / self._freq)

    def __getitem__(self, timeslice):
        sr = audio_sample_rate(self.samplerate)

        if timeslice == slice(None):
            return AudioSamples(, sr)

        start_sample = int(timeslice.start / self._freq)
        n_samples = self._n_samples(timeslice.duration)
        return AudioSamples(, sr)

    def iter_chunks(self):
        chunksize = Seconds(1)
        ts = TimeSlice(chunksize)
        sl = self[ts]
        yield sl
        while len(sl) >= self._n_samples(chunksize):
            ts += chunksize
            sl = self[ts]
            yield sl

class OggVorbisEncoder(IdentityEncoder):
    content_type = 'audio/ogg'

class OggVorbisDecoder(Decoder):
    def __init__(self):
        super(OggVorbisDecoder, self).__init__()

    def __call__(self, flo):
        return OggVorbisWrapper(flo)

    def __iter__(self, flo):
        yield self(flo)

class OggVorbisFeature(Feature):
    def __init__(
        super(OggVorbisFeature, self).__init__( \

[docs]class OggVorbis(Node): """ `OggVorbis` expects to process a stream of raw bytes (e.g. one produced by :class:`featureflow.ByteStream`) and produces a new byte stream where the original audio samples are `ogg-vorbis <>`_ encoded Args: needs (Feature): a feature that produces a byte stream (e.g. :class:`featureflow.Bytestream`) Here's how you'd typically see :class:`OggVorbis` used in a processing graph. .. code:: python import featureflow as ff import zounds chunksize = zounds.ChunkSizeBytes( samplerate=zounds.SR44100(), duration=zounds.Seconds(30), bit_depth=16, channels=2) @zounds.simple_in_memory_settings class Document(ff.BaseModel): meta = ff.JSONFeature( zounds.MetaData, store=True, encoder=zounds.AudioMetaDataEncoder) raw = ff.ByteStreamFeature( ff.ByteStream, chunksize=chunksize, needs=meta, store=False) ogg = zounds.OggVorbisFeature( zounds.OggVorbis, needs=raw, store=True) synth = zounds.NoiseSynthesizer(zounds.SR11025()) samples = synth.synthesize(zounds.Seconds(10)) raw_bytes = samples.encode() _id = Document.process(meta=raw_bytes) doc = Document(_id) # fetch and decode a section of audio ts = zounds.TimeSlice(zounds.Seconds(2)) print doc.ogg[ts].shape # 22050 """ def __init__(self, needs=None): super(OggVorbis, self).__init__(needs=needs) self._in_buf = None self._in_sf = None self._out_buf = None self._out_sf = None self._already_ogg = None self._chunk_size_samples = None def _enqueue(self, data, pusher): if self._in_buf is None: self._in_buf = MemoryBuffer(data.total_length) self._in_buf.write(data) self._in_sf = SoundFile(self._in_buf) self._already_ogg = 'OGG' in self._in_sf.format if not self._chunk_size_samples: self._chunk_size_samples = chunk_size_samples(self._in_sf, data) if self._already_ogg: super(OggVorbis, self)._enqueue(data, pusher) return if self._out_buf is None: self._out_buf = MemoryBuffer(data.total_length) self._out_sf = SoundFile( self._out_buf, format='OGG', subtype='VORBIS', mode='w', samplerate=self._in_sf.samplerate, channels=self._in_sf.channels) else: self._in_buf.write(data) def _dequeue(self): if self._already_ogg: return super(OggVorbis, self)._dequeue() samples = factor = 20 while samples.size: # KLUDGE: Trying to write too-large chunks to an ogg file seems to # cause a segfault in libsndfile for i in range(0, len(samples), self._in_sf.samplerate * factor): self._out_sf.write( samples[i: i + self._in_sf.samplerate * factor]) samples = return self._out_buf def _process_other(self, data): if self._finalized: self._out_sf.close() o = return o def _process_ogg(self, data): return data def _process(self, data): if self._already_ogg: yield self._process_ogg(data) else: yield self._process_other(data)