Source code for zounds.spectral.functional

from .frequencyscale import LinearScale, FrequencyBand, ExplicitScale
from .tfrepresentation import FrequencyDimension
from .frequencyadaptive import FrequencyAdaptive
from zounds.timeseries import \
    audio_sample_rate, TimeSlice, Seconds, TimeDimension, HalfLapped, \
    Milliseconds, SampleRate
from zounds.core import ArrayWithUnits, IdentityDimension
from .sliding_window import \
    IdentityWindowingFunc, HanningWindowingFunc, WindowingFunc, \
from zounds.loudness import log_modulus, unit_scale
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import resample, firwin2
from matplotlib import cm
from scipy.signal import hann, morlet
from itertools import repeat
from zounds.nputil import sliding_window

[docs]def fft(x, axis=-1, padding_samples=0): """ Apply an FFT along the given dimension, and with the specified amount of zero-padding Args: x (ArrayWithUnits): an :class:`~zounds.core.ArrayWithUnits` instance which has one or more :class:`~zounds.timeseries.TimeDimension` axes axis (int): The axis along which the fft should be applied padding_samples (int): The number of padding zeros to apply along axis before performing the FFT """ if padding_samples > 0: padded = np.concatenate( [x, np.zeros((len(x), padding_samples), dtype=x.dtype)], axis=axis) else: padded = x transformed = np.fft.rfft(padded, axis=axis, norm='ortho') sr = audio_sample_rate(int(Seconds(1) / x.dimensions[axis].frequency)) scale = LinearScale.from_sample_rate(sr, transformed.shape[-1]) new_dimensions = list(x.dimensions) new_dimensions[axis] = FrequencyDimension(scale) return ArrayWithUnits(transformed, new_dimensions)
def stft(x, window_sample_rate=HalfLapped(), window=HanningWindowingFunc()): duration = TimeSlice(window_sample_rate.duration) frequency = TimeSlice(window_sample_rate.frequency) if x.ndim == 1: _, arr = x.sliding_window_with_leftovers( duration, frequency, dopad=True) elif x.ndim == 2 and isinstance(x.dimensions[0], IdentityDimension): arr = x.sliding_window((1, duration), (1, frequency)) td = x.dimensions[-1] dims = [IdentityDimension(), TimeDimension(*window_sample_rate), td] arr = ArrayWithUnits(arr.reshape((len(x), -1, arr.shape[-1])), dims) else: raise ValueError( 'x must either have a single TimeDimension, or ' '(IdentityDimension, TimeDimension)') window = window or IdentityWindowingFunc() windowed = arr * window._wdata(arr.shape[-1]) return fft(windowed) def mdct(data): l = data.shape[-1] // 2 t = np.arange(0, 2 * l) f = np.arange(0, l) cpi = -1j * np.pi a = data * np.exp(cpi * t / 2 / l) b = np.fft.fft(a) c = b[..., :l] transformed = np.sqrt(2 / l) * np.real( c * np.exp(cpi * (f + 0.5) * (l + 1) / 2 / l)) return transformed def imdct(frames): l = frames.shape[-1] t = np.arange(0, 2 * l) f = np.arange(0, l) cpi = -1j * np.pi a = frames * np.exp(cpi * (f + 0.5) * (l + 1) / 2 / l) b = np.fft.fft(a, 2 * l) return np.sqrt(2 / l) * np.real(b * np.exp(cpi * t / 2 / l)) def time_stretch(x, factor, frame_sample_rate=None): if frame_sample_rate is None: sr = HalfLapped() sr = SampleRate(frequency=sr.frequency / 2, duration=sr.duration) else: sr = frame_sample_rate hop_length, window_length = sr.discrete_samples(x) win = WindowingFunc(windowing_func=hann) # to simplify, let's always compute the stft in "batch" mode if x.ndim == 1: x = x.reshape((1,) + x.shape) D = stft(x, sr, win) n_fft_coeffs = D.shape[-1] n_frames = D.shape[1] n_batches = D.shape[0] time_steps = np.arange(0, n_frames, factor, dtype=np.float) weights = np.mod(time_steps, 1.0) exp_phase_advance = np.linspace(0, np.pi * hop_length, n_fft_coeffs) # pad in the time dimension, so no edge/end frames are left out # coeffs = np.pad(D, [(0, 0), (0, 2), (0, 0)], mode='constant') shape = list(D.shape) shape[1] += 2 coeffs = np.zeros(shape, dtype=D.dtype) coeffs[:, :-2, :] = D coeffs_mags = np.abs(coeffs) coeffs_phases = np.angle(coeffs) # we need a phase accumulator for every item in the batch phase_accum = coeffs_phases[:, :1, :] sliding_indices = np.vstack([time_steps, time_steps + 1]).T.astype(np.int32) windowed_mags = coeffs_mags[:, sliding_indices, :] windowed_phases = coeffs_phases[:, sliding_indices, :] first_mags = windowed_mags[:, :, 0, :] second_mags = windowed_mags[:, :, 1, :] first_phases = windowed_phases[:, :, 0, :] second_phases = windowed_phases[:, :, 1, :] # compute all the phase stuff two_pi = 2.0 * np.pi dphase = (second_phases - first_phases - exp_phase_advance) dphase -= two_pi * np.round(dphase / two_pi) dphase += exp_phase_advance all_phases = np.concatenate([phase_accum, dphase], axis=1) dphase = np.cumsum(all_phases, axis=1, out=all_phases) dphase = dphase[:, :-1, :] # linear interpolation of FFT coefficient magnitudes weights = weights[None, :, None] mags = ((1.0 - weights) * first_mags) + (weights * second_mags) # combine magnitudes and phases new_coeffs = mags * np.exp(1.j * dphase) # synthesize the new frames new_frames = np.fft.irfft(new_coeffs, axis=-1, norm='ortho') # new_frames = new_frames * win._wdata(new_frames.shape[-1]) new_frames = np.multiply( new_frames, win._wdata(new_frames.shape[-1]), out=new_frames) # overlap add the new audio samples new_n_samples = int(x.shape[-1] / factor) output = np.zeros((n_batches, new_n_samples), dtype=x.dtype) for i in range(new_frames.shape[1]): start = i * hop_length stop = start + new_frames.shape[-1] l = output[:, start: stop].shape[1] output[:, start: stop] += new_frames[:, i, :l] return ArrayWithUnits(output, [IdentityDimension(), x.dimensions[-1]]) def pitch_shift(x, semitones, frame_sample_rate=None): original_shape = x.shape[1] if x.ndim == 2 else x.shape[0] # first, perform a time stretch so that the audio will have the desired # pitch factor = 2.0 ** (-float(semitones) / 12.0) stretched = time_stretch(x, factor, frame_sample_rate=frame_sample_rate) # hang on to original dimensions dimensions = stretched.dimensions # window the audio using a power-of-2 frame size for more efficient FFT # computations batch_size = stretched.shape[0] window_size = 1024 step = (1, window_size) new_window_shape = int(window_size * factor) padding = window_size - int(stretched.shape[-1] % window_size) stretched = np.pad(stretched, ((0, 0), (0, padding)), mode='constant') windowed = sliding_window(stretched, step, step, flatten=False).squeeze() # resample the audio so that it has the correct duration rs = resample(windowed, new_window_shape, axis=-1) # flatten out the windowed, resampled audio rs = rs.reshape(batch_size, -1) # slice the audio to remove residual zeros resulting from our power-of-2 # zero padding above rs = rs[:, :original_shape] return ArrayWithUnits(rs, dimensions) def phase_shift(coeffs, samplerate, time_shift, axis=-1, frequency_band=None): frequency_dim = coeffs.dimensions[axis] if not isinstance(frequency_dim, FrequencyDimension): raise ValueError( 'dimension {axis} of coeffs must be a FrequencyDimension instance, ' 'but was {cls}'.format(axis=axis, cls=frequency_dim.__class__)) n_coeffs = coeffs.shape[axis] shift_samples = int(time_shift / samplerate.frequency) shift = (np.arange(0, n_coeffs) * 2j * np.pi) / n_coeffs shift = np.exp(-shift * shift_samples) shift = ArrayWithUnits(shift, [frequency_dim]) frequency_band = frequency_band or slice(None) new_coeffs = coeffs.copy() if coeffs.ndim == 1: new_coeffs[frequency_band] *= shift[frequency_band] return new_coeffs slices = [slice(None) for _ in range(coeffs.ndim)] slices[axis] = frequency_band new_coeffs[tuple(slices)] *= shift[frequency_band] return new_coeffs def apply_scale(short_time_fft, scale, window=None): magnitudes = np.abs(short_time_fft.real) spectrogram = scale.apply(magnitudes, window) dimensions = short_time_fft.dimensions[:-1] + (FrequencyDimension(scale),) return ArrayWithUnits(spectrogram, dimensions) def rainbowgram(time_frequency_repr, colormap=cm.rainbow): # magnitudes on a log scale, and shifted and # scaled to the unit interval magnitudes = np.abs(time_frequency_repr.real) magnitudes = log_modulus(magnitudes * 1000) magnitudes = unit_scale(magnitudes) angles = np.angle(time_frequency_repr) angles = np.unwrap(angles, axis=0) angles = np.gradient(angles)[0] angles = unit_scale(angles) colors = colormap(angles) colors *= magnitudes[..., None] # exclude the alpha channel, if there is one colors = colors[..., :3] arr = ArrayWithUnits( colors, time_frequency_repr.dimensions + (IdentityDimension(),)) return arr def fir_filter_bank(scale, taps, samplerate, window): basis = np.zeros((len(scale), taps)) basis = ArrayWithUnits(basis, [ FrequencyDimension(scale), TimeDimension(*samplerate)]) nyq = samplerate.nyquist if window.ndim == 1: window = repeat(window, len(scale)) for i, band, win in zip(range(len(scale)), scale, window): start_hz = max(0, band.start_hz) stop_hz = min(nyq, band.stop_hz) freqs = np.linspace( start_hz / nyq, stop_hz / nyq, len(win), endpoint=False) freqs = [0] + list(freqs) + [1] gains = [0] + list(win) + [0] basis[i] = firwin2(taps, freqs, gains) return basis
[docs]def morlet_filter_bank( samplerate, kernel_size, scale, scaling_factor, normalize=True): """ Create a :class:`~zounds.core.ArrayWithUnits` instance with a :class:`~zounds.timeseries.TimeDimension` and a :class:`~zounds.spectral.FrequencyDimension` representing a bank of morlet wavelets centered on the sub-bands of the scale. Args: samplerate (SampleRate): the samplerate of the input signal kernel_size (int): the length in samples of each filter scale (FrequencyScale): a scale whose center frequencies determine the fundamental frequency of each filer scaling_factor (int or list of int): Scaling factors for each band, which determine the time-frequency resolution tradeoff. The number(s) should fall between 0 and 1, with smaller numbers achieving better frequency resolution, and larget numbers better time resolution normalize (bool): When true, ensure that each filter in the bank has unit norm See Also: :class:`~zounds.spectral.FrequencyScale` :class:`~zounds.timeseries.SampleRate` """ basis_size = len(scale) basis = np.zeros((basis_size, kernel_size), dtype=np.complex128) try: if len(scaling_factor) != len(scale): raise ValueError('scaling factor must have same length as scale') except TypeError: scaling_factor = np.repeat(float(scaling_factor), len(scale)) sr = int(samplerate) for i, band in enumerate(scale): scaling = scaling_factor[i] w = band.center_frequency / (scaling * 2 * sr / kernel_size) basis[i] = morlet( M=kernel_size, w=w, s=scaling) basis = basis.real if normalize: basis /= np.linalg.norm(basis, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-8 basis = ArrayWithUnits( basis, [FrequencyDimension(scale), TimeDimension(*samplerate)]) return basis
def auto_correlogram(x, filter_bank, correlation_window=Milliseconds(30)): n_filters = filter_bank.shape[0] filter_size = filter_bank.shape[1] corr_win_samples = int(correlation_window / x.samplerate.frequency) windowed = sliding_window(x, filter_size, 1, flatten=False) print(windowed.shape) filtered =, filter_bank.T) print(filtered.shape) corr = sliding_window( filtered, ws=(corr_win_samples, n_filters), ss=(1, n_filters), flatten=False) print(corr.shape) padded_shape = list(corr.shape) padded_shape[2] = corr_win_samples * 2 padded = np.zeros(padded_shape, dtype=np.float32) padded[:, :, :corr_win_samples, :] = corr print(padded.shape) coeffs = np.fft.fft(padded, axis=2, norm='ortho') correlated = np.fft.ifft(np.abs(coeffs) ** 2, axis=2, norm='ortho') return np.concatenate([ correlated[:, :, corr_win_samples:, :], correlated[:, :, :corr_win_samples, :], ], axis=2) return correlated def dct_basis(size): r = np.arange(size) basis = np.outer(r, r + 0.5) basis = np.cos((np.pi / size) * basis) return basis def frequency_decomposition(x, sizes): sizes = sorted(sizes) if x.ndim == 1: end = x.dimensions[0].end x = ArrayWithUnits( x[None, ...], [TimeDimension(end, end), x.dimensions[0]]) original_size = x.shape[-1] time_dimension = x.dimensions[-1] samplerate = audio_sample_rate(time_dimension.samples_per_second) data = x.copy() bands = [] frequency_bands = [] start_hz = 0 for size in sizes: if size != original_size: s = resample(data, size, axis=-1) else: s = data.copy() bands.append(s) data -= resample(s, original_size, axis=-1) stop_hz = samplerate.nyquist * (size / original_size) frequency_bands.append(FrequencyBand(start_hz, stop_hz)) start_hz = stop_hz scale = ExplicitScale(frequency_bands) return FrequencyAdaptive(bands, scale=scale, time_dimension=x.dimensions[0])