Source code for zounds.spectral.sliding_window

import numpy as np
from featureflow import Node, NotEnoughData
from zounds.core import ArrayWithUnits
from zounds.timeseries import TimeSlice

def oggvorbis(s):
    This is taken from the ogg vorbis spec

    :param s: the total length of the window, in samples
        s = np.arange(s)
    except TypeError:
        s = np.arange(s[0])

    i = np.sin((s + .5) / len(s) * np.pi) ** 2
    f = np.sin(.5 * np.pi * i)
    return f * (1. / f.max())

[docs]class WindowingFunc(object): """ `WindowingFunc` is mostly a convenient wrapper around `numpy's handy windowing functions <>`_, or any function that takes a size parameter and returns a numpy array-like object. A `WindowingFunc` instance can be multiplied with a nother array of any size. Args: windowing_func (function): A function that takes a size parameter, and returns a numpy array-like object Examples: >>> from zounds import WindowingFunc >>> import numpy as np >>> wf = WindowingFunc(lambda size: np.hanning(size)) >>> np.ones(5) * wf array([ 0. , 0.5, 1. , 0.5, 0. ]) >>> np.ones(10) * wf array([ 0. , 0.11697778, 0.41317591, 0.75 , 0.96984631, 0.96984631, 0.75 , 0.41317591, 0.11697778, 0. ]) See Also: :class:`~IdentityWindowingFunc` :class:`~zounds.spectral.OggVorbisWindowingFunc` :class:`~zounds.spectral.HanningWindowingFunc` """ def __init__(self, windowing_func=None): super(WindowingFunc, self).__init__() self.windowing_func = windowing_func self._cache = dict() def _wdata(self, size): if self.windowing_func is None: return None try: return self._cache[size] except KeyError: window = self.windowing_func(size) self._cache[size] = window return window def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs): if args[0] is self: second_arg = args[1] size = second_arg.shape[-1] dtype = second_arg.dtype wdata = self._wdata(size) if wdata is None: return second_arg first_arg = wdata.astype(dtype) else: first_arg = args[0] size = first_arg.shape[-1] dtype = first_arg.dtype wdata = self._wdata(size) if wdata is None: return first_arg second_arg = wdata.astype(dtype) return getattr(ufunc, method)(first_arg, second_arg, **kwargs)
[docs]class IdentityWindowingFunc(WindowingFunc): """ An identity windowing function """ def __init__(self): super(IdentityWindowingFunc, self).__init__()
[docs]class OggVorbisWindowingFunc(WindowingFunc): """ The windowing function described in the `ogg vorbis specification <>`_ """ def __init__(self): super(OggVorbisWindowingFunc, self).__init__(windowing_func=oggvorbis)
[docs]class HanningWindowingFunc(WindowingFunc): """ A hanning window function """ def __init__(self): super(HanningWindowingFunc, self).__init__(windowing_func=np.hanning)
[docs]class SlidingWindow(Node): """ `SlidingWindow` is a processing node that provides a very common precursor to many frequency domain transforms: a lapped and windowed view of the time- domain signal. Args: wscheme (SampleRate): a sample rate that describes the frequency and duration af the sliding window wfunc (WindowingFunc): a windowing function to apply to each frame needs (Node): A processing node on which this node relies for its data. This will generally be a time-domain signal Here's how you'd typically see :class:`SlidingWindow` used in a processing graph .. code:: python import zounds Resampled = zounds.resampled(resample_to=zounds.SR11025()) @zounds.simple_in_memory_settings class Sound(Resampled): windowed = zounds.ArrayWithUnitsFeature( zounds.SlidingWindow, needs=Resampled.resampled, wscheme=zounds.SampleRate( frequency=zounds.Milliseconds(250), duration=zounds.Milliseconds(500)), wfunc=zounds.OggVorbisWindowingFunc(), store=True) synth = zounds.SineSynthesizer(zounds.SR44100()) samples = synth.synthesize(zounds.Seconds(5), [220., 440., 880.]) # process the audio, and fetch features from our in-memory store _id = Sound.process(meta=samples.encode()) sound = Sound(_id) print sound.windowed.dimensions[0] # TimeDimension(f=0.250068024879, d=0.500045346811) print sound.windowed.dimensions[1] # TimeDimension(f=9.0702947e-05, d=9.0702947e-05) See Also: :class:`~zounds.spectral.WindowingFunc` :class:`~zounds.timeseries.SampleRate` """ def __init__(self, wscheme, wfunc=None, padwith=0, needs=None): super(SlidingWindow, self).__init__(needs=needs) self._scheme = wscheme self._func = wfunc self._padwith = padwith self._cache = None def _first_chunk(self, data): if self._padwith: padding = np.zeros( (self._padwith,) + data.shape[1:], dtype=data.dtype) padding_ts = ArrayWithUnits(padding, data.dimensions) return padding_ts.concatenate(data) else: return data def _enqueue(self, data, pusher): if self._cache is None: self._cache = data else: self._cache = self._cache.concatenate(data) def _dequeue(self): duration = TimeSlice(duration=self._scheme.duration) frequency = TimeSlice(duration=self._scheme.frequency) leftover, arr = self._cache.sliding_window_with_leftovers( duration, frequency, dopad=self._finalized) if not arr.size: raise NotEnoughData() self._cache = leftover # BUG: Order matters here (try arr * self._func instead) # why does that statement result in __rmul__ being called for each # scalar value in arr? out = (self._func * arr) if self._func else arr return out