Source code for zounds.timeseries.timeseries

import numpy as np
from .duration import Picoseconds, Seconds
from .samplerate import SampleRate
from zounds.core import Dimension

[docs]class TimeSlice(object): """ A slice that can be applied to a :class:`TimeDimension` to return a subset of samples. Args: duration (np.timedelta64): The duration of the slice start (np.timedelta64): A duration representing the start position of this slice, relative to zero or the beginning. If not provided, defaults to zero Raises: ValueError: when duration and/or start are not :class:`numpy.timedelta64` instances Examples: >>> from zounds import ArrayWithUnits, TimeDimension, TimeSlice, Seconds >>> import numpy as np >>> raw = np.zeros(100) >>> ts = ArrayWithUnits(raw, [TimeDimension(Seconds(1))]) >>> sliced = ts[TimeSlice(duration=Seconds(5), start=Seconds(50))] >>> sliced.shape (5,) See Also: :class:`TimeDimension` """ def __init__(self, duration=None, start=None): super(TimeSlice, self).__init__() if duration is not None and not isinstance(duration, np.timedelta64): raise ValueError('duration must be of type {t} but was {t2}'.format( t=np.timedelta64, t2=duration.__class__)) if start is not None and not isinstance(start, np.timedelta64): raise ValueError('start must be of type {t} but was {t2}'.format( t=np.timedelta64, t2=start.__class__)) self.duration = duration self.start = start or Picoseconds(0) @classmethod def slices(cls, timestamps): srt = np.sort(timestamps) diff = np.diff(srt) return [TimeSlice(start=s, duration=d) for s, d in zip(srt, diff)] def __add__(self, other): return TimeSlice(self.duration, start=self.start + other) def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) @property def end(self): return self.start + self.duration def __lt__(self, other): try: return self.start.__lt__(other.start) except AttributeError: return self.start.__lt__(other) def __gt__(self, other): try: return self.start.__gt__(other.start) except AttributeError: return self.start.__gt__(other) def __le__(self, other): try: return self.start.__le__(other.start) except AttributeError: return self.start.__le__(other) def __ge__(self, other): try: return self.start.__ge__(other.start) except AttributeError: return self.start.__ge__(other) def __and__(self, other): delta = max( Picoseconds(0), min(self.end, other.end) - max(self.start, other.start)) return TimeSlice(delta) def __contains__(self, other): if isinstance(other, np.timedelta64): return self.start < other < self.end if isinstance(other, TimeSlice): return other.start > self.start and other.end < self.end raise ValueError def __eq__(self, other): return self.start == other.start and self.duration == other.duration def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): start = self.start / Picoseconds(1) duration = \ None if self.duration is None else (self.duration / Picoseconds(1)) return (start, duration).__hash__() def __repr__(self): dur = self.duration / Seconds(1) if self.duration is not None else None return '{cls}(start = {start}, duration = {duration})'.format( cls=self.__class__.__name__, start=self.start / Seconds(1), duration=dur) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs]class TimeDimension(Dimension): """ When applied to an axis of :class:`~zounds.core.ArrayWithUnits`, that axis can be viewed as representing a constant-rate time series sampled at a given :class:`~zounds.timeseries.SampleRate`. Args: frequency (np.timedelta64): The sampling frequency for this dimension duration (np.timedelta64): The sampling duration for this dimension. When not provided it defaults to the sampling frequency size (int): The size/length of the dimension Raises: ValueError: when frequency and/or duration are not :class:`np.timedelta64` instances Examples: >>> from zounds import ArrayWithUnits, TimeDimension, Seconds, TimeSlice >>> import numpy as np >>> raw = np.zeros(100) >>> timeseries = ArrayWithUnits(raw, [TimeDimension(Seconds(1))]) >>> timeseries.dimensions[0] TimeDimension(f=1.0, d=1.0) >>> timeseries.dimensions[0].end_seconds 100.0 >>> sliced = timeseries[TimeSlice(Seconds(50))] >>> sliced.shape (50,) """ def copy(self): return TimeDimension(self.frequency, self.duration, self.size) def __init__(self, frequency=None, duration=None, size=None): super(TimeDimension, self).__init__() self.size = size if not isinstance(frequency, np.timedelta64): raise ValueError('duration must be of type {t} but was {t2}'.format( t=np.timedelta64, t2=frequency.__class__)) if duration is not None and not isinstance(duration, np.timedelta64): raise ValueError('start must be of type {t} but was {t2}'.format( t=np.timedelta64, t2=duration.__class__)) self.duration = duration or frequency self.frequency = frequency def __str__(self): fs = self.frequency / Picoseconds(int(1e12)) ds = self.duration / Picoseconds(int(1e12)) return 'TimeDimension(f={fs}, d={ds})'.format(**locals()) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def resample(self, ratio): rs = self.samplerate.resample(ratio) return TimeDimension(frequency=rs.frequency, duration=rs.duration) @property def samplerate(self): return SampleRate(self.frequency, self.duration) @property def overlap(self): return self.samplerate.overlap @property def overlap_ratio(self): return self.samplerate.overlap_ratio @property def duration_in_seconds(self): return self.duration / Picoseconds(int(1e12)) @property def samples_per_second(self): return int(Picoseconds(int(1e12)) / self.frequency) @property def span(self): overlap = self.duration - self.frequency return TimeSlice((self.size * self.frequency) + overlap) @property def end(self): return self.span.end @property def end_seconds(self): return self.end / Picoseconds(int(1e12))
[docs] def metaslice(self, index, size): return TimeDimension(self.frequency, self.duration, size)
def modified_dimension(self, size, windowsize, stepsize=None): stepsize = stepsize or windowsize try: yield TimeDimension( self.frequency * stepsize, (self.frequency * windowsize) + self.overlap) except TypeError: # windowsize and or stepsize were likely slice(None) pass yield self
[docs] def integer_based_slice(self, ts): """ Transform a :class:`TimeSlice` into integer indices that numpy can work with Args: ts (slice, TimeSlice): the time slice to translate into integer indices """ if isinstance(ts, slice): try: start = Seconds(0) if ts.start is None else ts.start if start < Seconds(0): start = self.end + start stop = self.end if ts.stop is None else ts.stop if stop < Seconds(0): stop = self.end + stop duration = stop - start ts = TimeSlice(start=start, duration=duration) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass if not isinstance(ts, TimeSlice): return ts diff = self.duration - self.frequency start_index = \ max(0, np.floor((ts.start - diff) / self.frequency)) end = self.end if ts.duration is None else ts.end # KLUDGE: This is basically arbitrary, but the motivation is that we'd # like to differentiate between cases where the slice # actually/intentionally overlaps a particular sample, and cases where # the slice overlaps the sample by a tiny amount, due to rounding or # lack of precision (e.g. Seconds(1) / SR44100().frequency). ratio = np.round(end / self.frequency, 2) stop_index = np.ceil(ratio) return slice(int(start_index), int(stop_index))
def __eq__(self, other): return \ self.frequency == other.frequency \ and self.duration == other.duration