Source code for zounds.core.axis

import numpy as np
from zounds.nputil import sliding_window, windowed
from zounds.util import tuplify
from .dimensions import IdentityDimension

class CustomSlice(object):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CustomSlice, self).__init__()

[docs]class ArrayWithUnits(np.ndarray): """ `ArrayWithUnits` is an :class:`numpy.ndarray` subclass that allows for indexing by more semantically meaningful slices. It supports most methods on :class:`numpy.ndarray`, and makes a best-effort to maintain meaningful dimensions throughout those operations. Args: arr (ndarray): The :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance containing the raw data for this instance dimensions (list or tuple): list or tuple of :class:`Dimension`-derived classes Raises: ValueError: when `arr.ndim` and `len(dimensions)` do not match Examples: >>> from zounds import ArrayWithUnits, TimeDimension, Seconds, TimeSlice >>> import numpy as np >>> data = np.zeros(100) >>> awu = ArrayWithUnits(data, [TimeDimension(Seconds(1))]) >>> sliced = awu[TimeSlice(Seconds(10))] >>> sliced.shape (10,) See Also: :class:`IdentityDimension` :class:`~zounds.timeseries.TimeDimension` :class:`~zounds.spectral.FrequencyDimension` """ def __new__(cls, arr, dimensions): if arr.ndim != len(dimensions): raise ValueError( 'arr.ndim and len(dimensions) must match. ' 'They were {arr.shape} and {dimensions}'.format(**locals())) obj = np.asarray(arr).view(cls) obj.dimensions = tuple([IdentityDimension() if d is None else d.copy() for d in dimensions]) for dim, size in zip(obj.dimensions, obj.shape): try: dim.size = size except AttributeError: pass try: dim.validate(size) except AttributeError: pass return obj @property def T(self): arr = super(ArrayWithUnits, self).T return ArrayWithUnits(arr, self.dimensions[::-1]) def kwargs(self): return self.__dict__ def concatenate(self, other): if self.dimensions == other.dimensions: return self.from_example(np.concatenate([self, other]), self) else: raise ValueError('All dimensions must match to concatenate') def reshape(self, shape, order='C'): non_one = lambda x: abs(x) != 1 if tuple(shape) == tuple(filter(non_one, self.shape)): # the new shape is this array's shape will all ones removed return self.squeeze() elif tuple(self.shape) == tuple(filter(non_one, shape)): # the new shape just adds some single dimension axes dims = iter(self.dimensions) new_dims = [ IdentityDimension() if abs(size) == 1 else next(dims) for size in shape ] raw = np.asarray(self) return ArrayWithUnits(raw.reshape(shape), new_dims) # treat every axis as an IdentityDimension raw = np.asarray(self) return ArrayWithUnits( np.reshape(raw, shape, order), [IdentityDimension() for _ in shape]) def squeeze(self): zipped = [x for x in zip(self.shape, self.dimensions) if x[0] > 1] return ArrayWithUnits( super().reshape([s for s, _ in zipped]), [d for _, d in zipped]) @classmethod def concat(cls, arrs, axis=0): for arr in arrs[1:]: if arr.dimensions != arrs[0].dimensions: raise ValueError('All dimensions must match') return cls.from_example(np.concatenate(arrs, axis=axis), arrs[0])
[docs] @classmethod def from_example(cls, data, example): """ Produce a new :class:`ArrayWithUnits` instance given some raw data and an example instance that has the desired dimensions """ return ArrayWithUnits(data, example.dimensions)
@classmethod def zeros(cls, example): return cls.from_example( np.zeros(example.shape, dtype=example.dtype), example) def zeros_like(self): return self.__class__.zeros(self) def _apply_reduction_to_dimensions(self, result, axis, keepdims): if axis is None: return result ndims = len(self.dimensions) reduced_axes = set([ndims + a if a < 0 else a for a in tuplify(axis)]) all_axes = set(range(ndims)) if keepdims: new_dims = [ IdentityDimension() if i in reduced_axes else dim for i, dim in enumerate(self.dimensions)] else: remaining_axes = sorted(all_axes - reduced_axes) new_dims = [self.dimensions[i] for i in remaining_axes] return ArrayWithUnits(result, new_dims) def sum(self, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, **kwargs): result = super(ArrayWithUnits, self).sum( axis, dtype, keepdims=keepdims, **kwargs) return self._apply_reduction_to_dimensions(result, axis, keepdims) def max(self, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False): result = super(ArrayWithUnits, self).max( axis=axis, out=out, keepdims=keepdims) return self._apply_reduction_to_dimensions(result, axis, keepdims) def dot(self, b): result = super(ArrayWithUnits, self).dot(b) return self.__class__(result, self.dimensions[:result.ndim]) def packbits(self, axis=None): arr = np.packbits(self, axis=axis) return ArrayWithUnits(arr, self.dimensions) def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return self.dimensions = getattr(obj, 'dimensions', None) def __array_wrap__(self, obj, context=None): if len(self.dimensions) != obj.ndim: if obj.ndim == 0: return obj.item() return np.asarray(obj) return np.ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, obj, context) def sliding_window(self, windowsize, stepsize=None): ws = tuple(self._compute_span(windowsize)) ss = tuple(self._compute_span(stepsize)) if stepsize else ws result = sliding_window(self, ws, ss) try: new_dims = tuple(self._compute_new_dims(result, ws, ss)) except ValueError: new_dims = [IdentityDimension()] * result.ndim return ArrayWithUnits(result, new_dims) def _sliding_window_integer_slices(self, windowsize, stepsize=None): windowsize = [windowsize] + [slice(None) for _ in self.dimensions[1:]] ws = tuple(self._compute_span(windowsize)) if stepsize: stepsize = [stepsize] + [slice(None) for _ in self.dimensions[1:]] ss = tuple(self._compute_span(stepsize)) else: ss = ws return ws, ss def sliding_window_with_leftovers( self, windowsize, stepsize=None, dopad=False): ws, ss = \ self._sliding_window_integer_slices(windowsize, stepsize) leftovers, result = windowed(self, ws[0], ss[0], dopad) if not result.size: return self, ArrayWithUnits(result, self.dimensions) try: new_dims = tuple(self._compute_new_dims(result, ws, ss)) except ValueError: new_dims = [IdentityDimension()] * result.ndim return leftovers, ArrayWithUnits(result, new_dims) def _compute_new_dims(self, windowed, ws, ss): for dimension, size, w, s in zip(self.dimensions, self.shape, ws, ss): try: modified = dimension.modified_dimension(size, w, s) for m in modified: yield m except NotImplementedError: yield dimension def _compute_span(self, index): for sl in self._compute_indices(index): try: yield sl.stop - sl.start except (AttributeError, TypeError): yield sl def _is_integer_based_slice(self, sl): if not isinstance(sl, slice): return False try: return \ (sl.start is None or sl.start.bit_length()) \ and (sl.stop is None or sl.stop.bit_length()) except AttributeError: return False def _compute_indices(self, index): dims_pos = 0 for sl in index: if sl is None \ or isinstance(sl, int) \ or self._is_integer_based_slice(sl) \ or isinstance(sl, list): # burn one dims_pos += 1 yield sl elif sl is Ellipsis: dims_pos += len(self.dimensions) - (len(index) - 1) yield Ellipsis else: dim = self.dimensions[dims_pos] yield dim.integer_based_slice(sl) dims_pos += 1 def _new_dims(self, index, new_arr): dims_pos = 0 shape_pos = 0 not_ellipsis_or_none = len([x for x in index if x is not Ellipsis and x is not None]) for sl in index: if sl is None: # additional dimension via np.newaxis yield IdentityDimension() elif isinstance(sl, int): # burn a dimension dims_pos += 1 elif isinstance(sl, list): dims_pos += 1 shape_pos += 1 yield IdentityDimension() elif sl is Ellipsis: ellipsis_size = len(self.dimensions) - not_ellipsis_or_none for i in range(ellipsis_size): yield self.dimensions[dims_pos] dims_pos += 1 shape_pos += 1 else: try: dim = self.dimensions[dims_pos] shape = new_arr.shape[shape_pos] yield dim.metaslice(sl, shape) except IndexError: yield dim dims_pos += 1 shape_pos += 1 # Return any leftover dimensions for dim in self.dimensions[dims_pos:]: yield dim def _tuplify(self, a): if isinstance(a, list): t = set([x.__class__ for x in a]) if len(t) > 1: raise ValueError('a must be homogeneous') t = list(t)[0] if t == slice: return a else: return a, if isinstance(a, np.ndarray) and a.dtype == np.bool: return a, try: return tuple(a) except TypeError: return a, def __getslice__(self, i, j): return self.__getitem__(slice(i, j)) def __setitem__(self, index, value): index = self._tuplify(index) indices = tuple(self._compute_indices(index)) super(ArrayWithUnits, self).__setitem__(indices, value) def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, np.ndarray) \ and index.dtype == np.bool: return np.asarray(self)[index] if self.ndim == 1 and isinstance(index, int): return np.asarray(self)[index] index = self._tuplify(index) indices = tuple(self._compute_indices(index)) arr = super(ArrayWithUnits, self).__getitem__(indices) new_dims = tuple(self._new_dims(index, arr)) return ArrayWithUnits(arr, new_dims)